GPU Jobs
GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) are a specialist type of computing hardware originally designed for displaying high performance graphics and now increasingly used to perform specialist computing tasks in the domain of research computing. The HEC offers a small number of GPU compute nodes contributed by University research groups. This page describes how to submit jobs running GPU-capable software on the HEC.
Example of a batch GPU job script
The following job will run the CUDA nbody demo application as a benchmark on two GPUs:
#SBATCH -p gpu-short
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --mem=10G
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
source /etc/profile
module add cuda/12.0
nbody -benchmark -numbodies=2500000 -numdevices=1
Not all applications will automatically detect how many GPUs should be used. Specifying whether to use GPUs, and how may to use, varies widely between applications. In the above example the command line argument -numdevices= needs to be added to the nbody demo application. Refer to your application’s User Guide for details on the correct syntax to use.
The main differences with GPU-based jobs are:
the use of a special queues (gpu-short in the above example)
the use of a resource request for GPUs using the –gres=gpus: syntax
the use of a job time limit using the –time= resource request, with the value in the format HH:MM:SS
As GPU jobs will also require a certain amount of CPU resource and the compute node’s main memory, these values also need to specified in a job request. Be aware that the compute node’s main memory is separate to the GPU’s own memory and so needs to be requested in each job. Jobs don’t need to request GPU memory - as each job requests dedicated GPUs, the whole of each requested GPU’s memory is made available to the job automatically.
Take care when requesting CPU and (main) memory resource in GPU jobs, as claiming too much of either will result in little (or no) resource for other GPU jobs on the same node. If a job’s performance is significantly increased by large amounts of CPU resource, it’s likely that the application is not making good use of the GPU and would best run as a CPU-only job.
Multi-node GPU jobs
Jobs which scale well to large numbers of GPUs can request multiple GPU nodes for each job. The following example requests all (3) GPUs on 2 nodes:
#SBATCH -p gpu-short
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:3
#SBATCH --mem=30G
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=3
# Job command here
Note that such jobs will need some mechanism to launch across multiple nodes, such as MPI’s
. Refer to the user guide for your application to learn if and how multi-node / distributed
computing GPU workloads are supported.
GPU Queues
While most GPU jobs will be short, the HEC GPU nodes offer support for a small number of longer-running jobs. There are three different queues for GPU jobs: gpu-short, gpu-medium and gpu-long, with different limitations:
Queue name |
Time limit |
Max # of GPUs per user |
gpu-short |
12 hours |
Unlimited |
gpu-medium |
48 hours |
6 |
gpu-long |
7 days |
2 |
astro |
24 hours |
4 |
GPU jobs have a maximum runtime, dependent on the queue they are submitted to, as described in the table above. It is strongly recommend to use an accurate –time= resource request as this helps with scheduling jobs on the small number of GPUs available. Longer jobs will stay pending for longer, as it’s more difficult for the job scheduler to fairly schedule longer running jobs.
A Note on the Astro Queues
The astro, astro-tier1 and astro-tier2 queues are attached to two GPU nodes offering 4 x NVidia L40 GPU cards each. These more specialist GPUs are generally available to all HEC users with the following caveats:
Performance: The L40 GPUs perform better than the V100 GPUs for single- and half-precision floating point arithemetic, making them suitable for many machine learning tasks. However, they perform notably worse for double precision. Before submitting jobs to this queue make sure that your application doesn’t use double precision as it will run much more slowly than on the V100s on the gpu- queues.
Priority: When the queue becomes busy, priority will be given to jobs belonging to researchers associated with the contributing Research Groupis so non-priority jobs may experience longer wait times during busy periods. Priority users will be notified on account creation that they have access to the astro-tier1 or astro-tier2 priority queues. All other users will have access to the astro queue.
GPU resource monitoring
GPU jobs on the HEC are logged using NVidia’s Data Centre GPU Manager suite, which summarises how much GPU resource is used by each job on a per-GPU level. The logging is intended to highlight cases where jobs make very little - or no - use of GPU resource, which indicates that they would be better run as CPU-only jobs. The usage data is appended to the end of each jobs’s stdout file. An example for the nbody above job would be:
Successfully retrieved statistics for job: testuser-gpu06-2265_.
| GPU ID: 0 |
|----- Execution Stats ------------+-----------------------------------------|
| Start Time | Fri Jul 7 13:47:43 2023 |
| End Time | Fri Jul 7 13:50:26 2023 |
| Total Execution Time (sec) | 162.76 |
| No. of Processes | 1 |
+----- Performance Stats ----------+-----------------------------------------+
| Energy Consumed (Joules) | 25904 |
| Power Usage (Watts) | Avg: 220.23, Max: 224.652, Min: 214.315 |
| Max GPU Memory Used (bytes) | 694157312 |
| SM Clock (MHz) | Avg: 1380, Max: 1380, Min: 1380 |
| Memory Clock (MHz) | Avg: 877, Max: 877, Min: 877 |
| SM Utilization (%) | Avg: 100, Max: 100, Min: 100 |
| Memory Utilization (%) | Avg: 0, Max: 0, Min: 0 |
| PCIe Rx Bandwidth (megabytes) | Avg: N/A, Max: N/A, Min: N/A |
| PCIe Tx Bandwidth (megabytes) | Avg: N/A, Max: N/A, Min: N/A |
+----- Event Stats ----------------+-----------------------------------------+
| Single Bit ECC Errors | 0 |
| Double Bit ECC Errors | 0 |
| PCIe Replay Warnings | 0 |
| Critical XID Errors | 0 |
+----- Slowdown Stats -------------+-----------------------------------------+
| Due to - Power (%) | 0 |
| - Thermal (%) | 0 |
| - Reliability (%) | Not Supported |
| - Board Limit (%) | Not Supported |
| - Low Utilization (%) | Not Supported |
| - Sync Boost (%) | 0 |
+-- Compute Process Utilization ---+-----------------------------------------+
| PID | 1080582 |
| Avg SM Utilization (%) | 99 |
| Avg Memory Utilization (%) | 0 |
+----- Overall Health -------------+-----------------------------------------+
| Overall Health | Healthy |
The most relevant entry is the “SM Utilization (%)” line, which shows the average, minimum and maximum utilisation of GPU cores. The line above that labelled “Max GPU Memory Used (bytes)” reports the maximum amount of GPU memory (not to be confused with the compute node’s main memory) used by the job.
Each jobs’ GPU utilisation can also be monitored while the job is running using the qgputop
command. The command accepts the flags -u username
and will list the GPU usage
of the jobs by the specified user.
Node gpu06
Mon Jul 10 11:53:39 2023
| NVIDIA-SMI 525.85.12 Driver Version: 525.85.12 CUDA Version: 12.0 |
| GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. |
| | | MIG M. |
| 0 Tesla V100-PCIE... On | 00000000:3B:00.0 Off | 0 |
| N/A 52C P0 215W / 250W | 1008MiB / 32768MiB | 100% Default |
| | | N/A |
| Processes: |
| GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory |
| ID ID Usage |
| 0 N/A N/A 1230218 C nbody 1004MiB |
The above example shows output from a job running the CUDA nbody demo. The first box in the output shows GPU utilisation in the field “GPU-Util” (the 100% value in the output). The second box shows what processes are currently attached to a GPU and how much GPU memory they are consuming.
If you have multiple jobs running on a gpu node, this tool will not differentiate which GPU belongs to which job.
CPU and main system memory usage for GPU jobs can be monitored using the qtop
command in the same manner as CPU-only jobs
Compiling CUDA-capable code
NVidia’s CUDA library (available on the HEC as the cuda module) provides the nvcc
compiler for compiling GPU-capable code written in C or C++.
After adding the cuda environment, the compiler can invoked using arguments common to most compilers.
For instance, in the Vector Addition example from this Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility tutorial the source file can be compiled into an executable named vector_add with the command:
nvcc -o vector_add
To run this application, the call to vector_add can be included within a standard GPU-capable job script:
#SBATCH -p gpu-short
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1
#SBATCH --mem=1G
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
source /etc/profile
module add cuda
Further Reading:
The CUDA main page
NVidia’s documentation for the nvcc compiler
GPU-enabled Machine Learning Libraries
For GPU-enabled versions of several Python libraries including Tensorflow, keras and Torch, see The Open Cognitive Environment (Open-CE) Software Suite
GPU Hardware Contributions
The HEC currently offers the following GPU nodes:
GPU type |
# GPUs |
# CPU Cores |
Main memory |
# GPU nodes |
Contributor |
NVidia V100 32GB |
3 |
32 |
192G |
1 |
HEP Research Group |
NVidia V100 32GB |
3 |
32 |
192G |
1 |
CHICAS Research Group |
NVidia V100 32GB |
3 |
32 |
192G |
6 |
Maths and Stats Dept |
NVidia L40 48G |
4 |
32 |
512G |
2 |
Observational Astrophysics Group |