The HEC currently hosts several components of the commercial Ansys package, with licenses supplied by the Engineering Department.

A sample serial job script for cfx5solve

Cfx5solve batch jobs may be run by creating a batch job control script i (such as the example below, which uses


#SBATCH -p serial
#SBATCH --mem=4G

source /etc/profile
module add ansys/21.2


cfx5solve -batch -def mymodel.def

A sample parallel job script for cfx5solve for Ansys 19 or earlier

For models suitable for parallel running, the following parallel job i template can be used, which runs on 2 of the 16-core compute nodes:


#SBATCH -p parallel
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH -C node_type=10GethAny
#SBATCH --exclusive

source /etc/profile
module add ansys/17.2


cfx5solve -batch -def mymodel.def \
  -par-dist "$MYHOSTLIST" -start-method "HP MPI Distributed Parallel"

A sample parallel job script for cfx5solve for Ansys 20 or later

For models suitable for parallel running, the following parallel job template can be used, which runs on two of the 16-core compute nodes:


#SBATCH -p parallel
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH -C node_type=10GethAny
#SBATCH --exclusive

source /etc/profile
module add ansys/21.2


cfx5solve -batch -def mymodel.def -par-dist "$MYHOSTLIST" \
    -start-method "Open MPI Distributed Parallel"

where mymodel.def is the name of the Solver Input File. Ansys uses MPI for parallelism - see Using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) on the HEC for more details on MPI job scripts.

A sample parallel job script for fluent for Ansys 19 or earlier

For models suitable for parallel running, the following parallel job template can be used:


#SBATCH -p parallel
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH -C node_type=10Geth64G

source /etc/profile
module add ansys/19.1

fluent 3ddp -g -slurm -t${NSLOTS} -pdefault -i runjob.jou

Where runjob.jou is the name of your fluent journal file. Ansys uses MPI for parallelism - see Using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) on the HEC for more details on MPI job scripts.

A sample parallel job script for fluent for Ansys 20 and later

For models suitable for parallel running, the following parallel job template can be used:


#SBATCH -p parallel
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH -C node_type=10Geth64G

source /etc/profile
module add ansys/21.2

scontrol show hostnames > $TMPDIR/fluent.hosts

fluent 3ddp -g -t ${NSLOTS} -cnf=$TMPDIR/fluent.hosts -mpi=intel -i runjob.jou

Where runjob.jou is the name of your fluent journal file. Ansys uses MPI for parallelism - see Using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) on the HEC for more details on MPI job scripts.

Further Reading

Further information be found on The Official Ansys Home Page