The R Stats Package
To access the default version of R on the HEC, simply type the command:
module add R
R can now be invoked in your session by simply typing R
Using the module’s primary name on its own will result in the defalt version of R being used. To see what other versions of R are currently available, type:
module avail R
See the Using environment modules on the HEC page for more details on the module command.
A sample batch job script for R
R batch jobs may be run by creating a batch job control script (for instance, called like the following:
#SBATCH -p serial
#SBATCH -J myRjob
#SBATCH --mem=1G
source /etc/profile
module add R
Rscript myscript.R
where myscript.R is the name of the file containing the R script you want to run. The job script is then submitted for running by typing:
Further Reading
The R Home Page