Stata and StataMP
The HEC hosts an unlimted network licence version of Stata MP4, along with 2 licenses each for Stata MP8 and Stata MP16 available for members of the Economics department.
Invoking Stata
To enable access to the current default version, use the following
module add stata
This will set up your environment to enable access to the current default version of Stata, which may not be the latest version. To instead see the full list of available versions, run the command:
module avail stata
Once the chosen module is added, Stata can then be invoked within a job
script with the stata
, stata-se
or stata-mp
commands. See the section on
Using environment modules for more details.
A simple serial batch job script for Stata
The following is an example of a job script which will run stata commands contained in the file
#SBATCH -p serial
source /etc/profile
module add stata
stata -b do filename
A simple parallel job script for Stata
The current stata versions on the HEC are Stata-MP4, allowing up to 4 cores to be used to speed up processing. If your stata tasks can be run in parallel, a 4-core stata job can be submitted using the following template:
#SBATCH -p parallel
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --license=stata
source /etc/profile
module add stata
stata-mp -b do filename
Notes on parallel Stata:
Not all Stata functions are able to run in parallel, and not all parallel functions
scale to the maximum possible number of cores. Parallel stata jobs should be tested
carefully to ensure that requested cores don’t go to waste. If your workload parallelises
to a smaller core count, then the --cpus-per-task
resource request can be changed
to a smaller value.
Stata-MP8 and Stata-MP16
The HEC also hosts 2 licenses each for the MP8 and MP16 versions of Stata available to researchers in the Econmics Department. These enable parallel stata to use up to 8 or 16 cores respectively.
For Stata MP8, an example script is:
#SBATCH -p parallel
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --license=statamp8
source /etc/profile
module add stata/18-mp8
stata-mp -b do filename
While for Stata MP16, an example script is:
#SBATCH -p parallel
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16
#SBATCH --license=statamp16
source /etc/profile
module add stata/18-mp16
stata-mp -b do filename
Note that these versions need the --license
resource request for the approriate
version to ensure that no more than 2 copies of each are running at once. If all
licenses are in use, jobs will be held pending until a licence - and the other requested
resources - are available.