Job Submission on the HEC
The HEC login node acts as the interface between you and the HEC proper (the cluster of compute nodes). Rather than running compute-intensive workloads directly on the login node, they must be submitted from the login node to the SLURM scheduling system as job scripts - a text file containing the commands to be run along with the compute resources required to run them. The scheduler will match each job’s resource requests (such as memory and number of CPUs) to available resources, ensuring that users each get a fair share of the cluster.
The two basic types of job are Batch and Interactive, submitted
via the sbatch
and srun
commands described below.
Computationally intensive and/or large memory jobs must NOT be
run directly on the login node; the login node is a shared
server which has limited resources and should be used for
lightweight tasks such as job submission, pre- and post-processing
of job data and compilation.
If you need to run small tests on jobs before submitting them, please use either the test queue or an interactive job session.
Batch jobs
A batch job is one which can be run without user intervention - i.e. it does not require any input from the keyboard and does not send any output to the user’s screen. Typically a batch job will read any input it needs from a pre-written file, and send its output to files in the user’s directory. The exact methods of doing this depend on each application. The majority of jobs submitted to the HEC are batch jobs, as it allows users to run large numbers of jobs at the same time without needing constant user input.
Batch jobs are run on the HEC by creating a batch job script (or command file) and submitting it to the system using the command sbatch. For example a job script in a file named can be submiited with the command:
Assuming that the resources requested by the job are available,
the job scheduler will select a compute node on which to run your
job. This ensures that the combined load of all users’ jobs is
spread evenly over the entire cluster without overloading any one
compute node. If insufficent resources are available at the time
then the job will be held in a pending state until the resources
become free. To see how busy the HEC is, use the qslots
which reports the number of available job slots.
The cluster uses a Fair Share scheduling policy; users may submit any number of jobs and jobs over a certain number will be held pending, while priority will be given to those who are currently running fewer jobs. Please check the login node’s message of the day for any changes to scheduling.
An example batch job script
The following is a simple batch job script which can be cut-and-pasted directly into a text editor:
#SBATCH -p serial
#SBATCH -J testjob
source /etc/profile
echo Job running on compute node `uname -n`
Explanation of batch job scripts
Batch job scripts are simply standard bash shell scripts with a few extra lines (beginning with #SBATCH) containing instructions for the scheduler. The first line of the job script:
instructs the scheduler to run the job using the bash shell. This is strongly recommended as best practice - all job templates and examples on these pages are written using bash.
The next line:
#SBATCH -p serial
directs the job to the serial partition (sometimes referred to as a queue). This partition is intended for running single-core (serial) jobs, and should be the default queue for many types of jobs. Different partitions exist to support more advanced job types, such as parallel jobs or those which require specialised node types.
The next line:
#SBATCH -J myjobname
sets a name for your job, so that you can easily identify it while it’s running. If you omit this option the job scheduler will simply use the filename of the job script as the job name. The job name will also be used to create the job output files (see below).
The final job setup line reads:
source /etc/profile
This will set up the bash shell environment of the job so that it matches the functionality you see on the login node.
Once the batch job environment has been specified, subsequent lines should contain the commands needed to run your job. The job will effectively run as a bash shell script, and will process any of the usual commands permitted from the specified shell. The example command above is:
echo Job running on compute node `uname -n`
which simply prints a short message to say which compute node the job was run on. See the Software section of this guide for templates of job scripts for popular packages.
The HEC login node offers a range of different text editors which can be used
to write job scripts. Available text editors include nano
(a simple editor),
and emacs
(both feature-rich editors with broad user bases). Writing
job scripts directly on the HEC is often much more convenient than writing them on
your desktop and transferring the files across.
Interactive jobs
While batch jobs are the most efficient type of job to submit, some applications may require regular user input making them unsuitable for batch job submission. In such cases, jobs can be submitted interactively, giving you a command line shell on a compute node with sufficient free resources to run your application. You can submit an interactive job with the following command:
srun --pty bash -i
If the interactive job request can be satisfied your shell prompt will immediately change to the name of the compute node assigned to the job. E.g.:
wayland-2022% srun --pty bash -i
If the requested resources aren’t available, you’ll see a message to that effect and your interactive job will wait until resources become available. E.g:
wayland-2022% srun --pty bash -i
srun: job 544 queued and waiting for resources
Don’t forget to log out from your interactive session when you have finished your tasks - your job slot and any resources it reserves are not available to anyone else until you do so.
The test queue
The test queue exists to allow quick-turnaround testing of jobs during times when the cluster is otherwise busy by dedicating a single compute node for this purpose. It can be frustrating to wait a few hours for a job to launch on a busy cluster only to have it fail immediately on launch due to a typo in the job submission script, so the test queue can help spot errors that occur early on in a job. If you want to do a quick sanity check of a new or altered job submission script, or if you want to try out some small jobs to get the hang of the job submission system, then the test queue is recommended.
To use this queue, simply add -p test
to your sbatch
job submission
command to divert the job to the test partition (queue). This queue is
usually lightly loaded, and should give very fast turnaround.
To ensure fast turnaround, jobs submitted to the test queue are limited to a maximum of 5 minutes run time. Jobs running for more than 5 minutes in this queue will be automatically terminated.
The test queue is available only on a single dedicated compute node which has 16 cores, 64G of memory and node_type 10Geth64G. When testing, make sure that your job resource requests can match this.
Cancelling jobs
If you want to delete or cancel a job - either while it’s running or still pending,
you can do so with the scancel
command followed by its job ID.
For example to cancel job ID 1234, run the command scancel 1234