The GNU Scientific Library (GSL)
The HEC provides the GNU Scientific Library (GSL), a numerical library for C and C++. The library offers a wide variety of numerical and statistical routines, as described on the GSL Home Page (see Helpful links under Additional advice).
To view the different module versions of GSL available, run the following command:
module avail gsl
Module names decribe the version of GSL offered, along with the supported compiler.
The default GSL module has been compiled with the Intel compiler suite and includes the optimised BLAS provided by the Intel Math Kernel Library. To access both the library and the Intel compilers, simply add the gsl module to your login environment:
module add gsl
or to request a specific version, use the full module name which will be suffixed with -intel. For example:
module add gsl/1.16-intel
Using GSL with Intel compilers
To compile a stand-alone C source code from file myprogram.c:
icc -I$GSLINC -o my_program my_program.c -L$GSLLIB -lgsl -limf
The resulting executable will be named my_program.
The gsl module creates two additional environment variables to allow for ease of compiling: $GSLINC points to GSL’s header file directory, while $GSLLIB points to the location of all the GSL libraries. For more complex builds, these can be added to Makefiles, configuration script commands, etc.
A sample serial batch job script for an application built with Intel GSL
#SBATCH -p serial
source /etc/profile
module add gsl/1.16-intel
Using GSL with GNU compilers
Versions of gsl compiled for the GNU Compiler Collection have the suffix -gcc in their module name. It can be loaded with the relevant module command, e.g.:
module add gsl/1.16-gcc
To compile a stand-alone C source code from file myprogram.c:
gcc -I$GSLINC -o my_program my_program.c -L$GSLLIB -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm
The resulting executable will be named my_program.
An example serial batch job for an application built with GNU GSL
#SBATCH -p serial
source /etc/profile
module add gsl/2.7-gcc
Further Reading
Further information can be found one the following pages:
The GSL Home Page
The GSL Library Manual